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COVID-19 Update: How We Are Serving and Protecting Our Clients

We are closely tracking the rapidly evolving public health and community concerns related to the new coronavirus or COVID-19. Rest assured that we are taking all available steps to remain accessible to our clients as we continue to act in accordance with their best interests during this difficult time.

Nothing matters more to our firm than your family. The health of you, your family, and our staff matters most. For this reason, we endeavor to do our part to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and help you and your family stay healthy. Rest assured, our office will remain open and available to meet our clients' needs and continue to advise clients through their divorce family law matters during these uncertain times. To help decrease the opportunity of transmission of COVID-19, the firm will hold all client meetings by video or telephone only until further notice. We have made Video chatting available on a plethora of platforms to accommodate your needs, including FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, Google Duo and Facebook Messenger. You can schedule a Telephone or Video meeting by calling us at 202.536.4841 or at the firm's website by clicking the "Book Now" button in our Appointment Calendar.

Please see below for answers to some frequently asked questions.

Is your office currently open during normal business hours?

Yes. We remain open for business and will continue to serve clients virtually during this difficult time.

When and how can I contact you?

Our regular business hours 8:30 am - 6:00 pm. Please contact us at 202.536.4841, or any of the numbers on the firm's website and we will be happy to help.

What video chat platforms do you offer for clients?

We have made Consultations and Meetings available by Phone or Video, including Zoom, FaceTime, Google Duo, Facebook Messenger and What'sApp.

Are you accepting new clients?


How can I get updates on the status of my case?

For updates on your case, just call or email us as you usually would. There is no interruption in our services.

Courts still open in my area?

Courts are closed in Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia, except for very limited circumstances. Some courts are holding emergency hearings remotely. Contact our firm for specifics regarding your case and the court's operating status. If you are unable to attend a hearing when court re-opens because you are sick, notify us immediately and we will seek a continuance on your behalf. You should not come to court, mediation or our office if you have a cold, virus or simply don't feel well. We will work with you to re-schedule your matter.

Will scheduled depositions, mediation, arbitration, or settlement negotiations occur as planned?

Mediation may proceed as planned remotely. We will notify you if your mediation session has been postponed.

Again, please feel free to reach out to us with questions at any time, and see the following links below for CDC, state, and/or local updates regarding public health orders, court operations, and other information.


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